is running a pretty odd poll. Which interests you most? Obituary columns, wedding/engagement notices, mug shots…
Ouch! My ultra thin mac keyboard shocked me yet again!
@skunkgal Twitter lets me stay connected with the world around me providing a sixth sense as to what my peers and industry leaders are up 2
Networked my parents computers today. Cleaned up a bunch of settings and setup a backup work-flow for my mom’s stuff.
@jgarber Was just at Medieval Times on Friday night. Def. a good time.
@thorpus What no AddThis integration to ?
@thorpus Touché
Hahaha ->
Today is clean up my work inbox day!
Is it really 27 degrees out? And it’s supposed to be 64 on Wed? Weirdness.
What’s the best Twitter client for a Mac that doesn’t have Admin rights? I.E. Adobe Air apps are out!
Twitterpod is pretty neat. Installed no problem without Admin rights.
Making a VMWare image of my old PC Laptop. Eventually I’ll wipe it clean.
sucessfully made a virtual image of my old PC Laptop. I’m now running it on my MacBook Pro
Curses! No two snowflakes are alike!
eating almond flour pancakes. Quite yummy!
can’t wait until someone makes a romantic comedy based on online social networking.
@skunkgal Actually Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love. Boston is just weird.
I wish T-Mobile would start selling this phone ->
Kristina is waiting in line outside a Chik-fil-a near my parentts house. At 6am they’re handing out coupons for free food for a year.