@Whitmoyer @jgarber Let me know if you talk to anyone from U.S.News.
Oops, missed this holiday – menmakedinnerday.com/home/index.…
RT: @freshgreens: Recycling gone too far is.gd/6DRU
Done solving problems for another week
New blog post: Screenshots Of News Sites On Election Night tinyurl.com/5hoku3
tissues = bless you squares
New blog post: Wolf Door Knocker tinyurl.com/6rrdpy
The puppy in the middle sure is happy to see you -> tinyurl.com/5ujhmx
Amazon has Wii fit’s in stock. I just ordered one
538 is deadon with it’s projectionssofar – fivethirtyeight.com/
CNN projects Obama wins
The NYTimes homepage says it best – nytimes.com
I hope @barackobama keeps tweeting
Someone yelled Palin 2012 during McCain’s speech
Taking screen shots of all the major newswebsites after declaring Obama victorious.
Obama won because of “that internet thing”
Great night for Obama, bad night for gay rights -> cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/results/ba…
Nation Finally Shitty Enough To Make Social Progress – is.gd/6nf2
@brownpau You still at work?
Bed time g’night.