Best Buy eats Napster up for 121 million? Holy CRAP!
My sideburns are annoyingly long now. Twhirling them around my finger as we speak…
Whoa CNN/Chevron ad, sliding down to take up half of my screen makes me think negative of you.
Pic to go with my last Tweet ->
Smells like school lunch here at the office. Mmmm
There’s nothing more horrendus than the markup of an AP article.
Ate dinner, did the dishes, now on to laundry in this Chore-o-rama evening! Although eating dinner isn’t really a chore.
The afternoon sleepies are a bit early today. It’s only 11am?
This site has an impressive display of photos, but the interface fails to put the user in control (it just doesn’t work.)
Watching Redskins vs. Saints game. Would rather be watching the Colts vs. Vikings.
Watching the game stats come in on and using your imagination is like reading vs. watching a movie.
Michael Phelps is pretty crappy on SNL.
Whoa I spoke too soon. Lil Wayne is way worse. Ahhh… make it STOP!
New blog post: Birthday Parties, Weapons
Kristina is going to a wedding expo today. I’m not. Time to tackle that to do list.
Did a little work on my presentation for BarCamp DC 2. Should have plenty of time to really refine it over the next month.
Great resource for testing credit card numbers on an e-commerce site. Note these are not real credit card #’s –
@randallb I totally agree. Steve Jobs cannot design a good mouse.
@scottsandler 4437039330
getting ready to go grocery shopping!