popego.com/ has a really cool web site design.
popego.com/ has a really cool web site design.
@pleasedressme I like blue t-shirts.
@strawpoll PC.
Zen photo is so awesome. Here is how to create a dynamic gallery -> tinyurl.com/5vces7
New blog post: SocailDevCamp East Fall Edition Is Coming! tinyurl.com/562hdm
it’s Monday and the development servers are down. it’s going to be a looong day!
@owellington I acccept your challenge. I really like your site design. Smashing, good chap!
Doing nothing all day never felt so good!
Yes! It’s Talk Soup. I love Talk Soup.
More Heroes of Might and Magic 2 before bed. G’dnight.
I will be more productive tomorrow.
Up before 11 on a Sunday. Things are looking up.
Already went grocery shopping, swept the kitchen floor, had brunch, took a shower and cleaned up my desk. I feel so good right now.
Editd wedding photos for 2 hours and then had delicious pork chops made by Kristina
I got Kristina hooked on the 1996 turn based strategy game Heroes of Might and Magic 2
Played computer games all morning. Played Monopoly all afternoon with the roomies. They’re still going at it. I’m out.
@drtiki I want a free purple Charooba tinyurl.com/5rzys3
awaiting the impending onslaught of rain. It’s a lazy weekend!
Watching Uncle Buck. Free and on demand. How Comcastic.
@bobthecow Haha! Awesome use for your old laptop. twitpic.com/t2
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.