@MattBowen Welcome to the Threadless club -> boxedup.com/kingkool68/have
@MattBowen Welcome to the Threadless club -> boxedup.com/kingkool68/have
@JasonCalacanis You might as well get the Canon 50mm F/1.4 while you’re at it. If you really want to spend money, go for the 85 f/1.2
Mmmm Healthy Choice for dinner.
Jeez Biden… way to be a stage hog.
Ha! Someone is holding up a big pot leaf sign in the background on MSNBC.
Need to go offline to let the laptop charge. Will be back after the Obama speech.
Move mountain! Mountain, get our of our way!
retweet @ginatrapani Obama really is my new bicycle
@brownpau But with Facebook development it’s not like you have to worry about accessibility, # of requests, or even standards.
New blog post: Video Recording From A DSLR? tinyurl.com/6hm9j5
@MattBowen wait if you don’t need it. Better things are around the corner. Buy it online with a student discount. That’s what I did. NO RAM.
Mythbusters draw a MONA LISA in 80 milliseconds! is.gd/21CP
sarah palin? Who’s that?
So McCain raps on Obama’s inexperience and then picks a first time governor for his VP?
Atleast McCain’s vice president is a hottie – images.google.com/images?q=sarah palin
Whoa jQuery, calm down with the whole Guitar Hero theme you’ve got going on. It’s just JavaScript jquery.com/
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sarah Palin – USNews.com – is.gd/22uH
@5tu I hope that rumor is true. HD Video from a DSLR intrigues me but Canon must be thinking about their video line? is.gd/22FY
Yup, we did 15 million page views last Friday with our Best College Launch – is.gd/22H5
@technotheory @MattBowen I’ve bgeen to the Perk once. It was a great little coffee shop!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.