Lunch time!
Spent all day working on a photo gallery layout. First time I’ve designed something using a grid system. seems to work well.
Mo Honey Mo Problems ->…
Worked on a photo gallery layout tonight so I can show off the zillions of photos I have on my hard drive. Designing is hard.
It took me 2 hours to process 36 weddings photos. Still lots more to do… ACK!
Quiet night in catching up on things I missed during the week.
After reading Smashing Magazine’s Game Sites Design Survey I realized how out of touch I am with the gaming world.
Tackled two errands this morning: going to the post office and picking up black ink for my printer from Staples.
New blog post: Puss And Foot
Got home from work at 11 past midnight but it was totally worth it. Please go check out the Best Colege rankings at
bringing in my MacBook Pro to work to squash bugs before launch
New blog post: Another Late Night Another Sunset
Getting home late all I want to do is watch some Olympics after a day of fixing bugs and eating gummy bears.
Apparently it’s cheaper to film New York City scenes in Philly:
I really dig this candid child shot
loves when his nails are cut. Mmmm
Mad Balls are making a comeback
New blog post: Combat Roach Gel Kills Cockroaches
Oh man i wish I was still sleeping.
fixing bugs before a big launch