@randallb Sure do. they are at my apt. I can package them all up for ya.
USNews now available on the kindle tinyurl.com/5pb44r
Installed FF3 on my work PC yesterday and came in today to see ugly old FF2. Now it’s hanging!
@strawpoll Firefox all because of Firebug.
Hooray for MySpace not being ugly anymore… sorta.
As useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.
New blog post: Creepy Chairs That Probably Costs A Fortune tinyurl.com/67eamh
Engadget is running another one of those crazy Apple ads that make use of two ad spots is.gd/zlu
Facebook is down? But Twitter is up!
Here comes Firefox 3 at work…
Bad CSS day here at work.
Dear Firebug 1.1 Beta. Why don’t you shade the box model purple.yellow like you used to do?
The Flickr founders are jumping ship? tinyurl.com/5ao7bj
Catching up on old links I e-mailed myself to read and downloading the Spore creature creator.
Bored? Try to find a Google search query that returns only one result. I found one.
@strawpoll no you shouldn’t regularly eat fast food.
Firefox, please stop freezing and hanging and not responding to the Enter key after I type a URL in the address bar.
It’s raining and I didn’t bring a jacket. Drats.
Yeah, it’s Sunday! Really want to finish the design for RussellandKristina.com (it’s sweet!) but I think k’s family is coming down.
will be wearing a funny t-shirt today.