@bobthecow My mom follows my tweets and txts me. Hi mom.
Hello, me not dead! – spamusement.com/index.php/comics…
Apparently a package was delivered to my place on April 25th so where did it go? is.gd/fbD I guess it was swiped from my doorstep.
Woo hoo, I got my $600 tax refund!
Going to bed. Will see if I still feel sick in the morning and deicde if I should go to work or work from home.
@strawpoll Yes, I’m reading “Inside Steve’s Brain” – tinyurl.com/57mlsd
Set up and tweaked my virtual WinXP instance in VMWare Fusion. XP3, XPize, and Crystal DlB 2 theme – twitpic.com/ywl
Today is my fiancé’s birthday.
Off to Columbia for a dim sum lunch with Kristina’s mom and then dinner with my mom.
Playing singstar with friends. We had so much food for our potluck. Good times. Need to go to bed soon for SocialDevCampEast tomorrow!
Made it to SocialDevCamp East. Picking sessions now.
Firefox is impersonating a snail…
@trav1sty I’m running Firefox 2 here at work but run FF3 Beta 5 at home, where it is much more responsive. Work computers are underpwoered.
@bobthecow Prepare to be picked up by more splog bots.
Going home and then having a potluck dinner with friends at my apartment.
New blog post: Bored On The Train Home tinyurl.com/5lpalm
New blog post: Bored On The Train Home tinyurl.com/67ee2t
@robotchampion Georgetown has no metro station. The closest is Foggy Bottom though it is not a bad walk.
Just installed a trial version of VMWare Fusion on the MacBook Pro. Installing XP now.
Loud thunder last night, kind of scary.