Time for new media and journalism with @newmediajim
Waiting for fiance to get home so I can chow down on Chipotle burrito. Will have new burrito tomorrow for lunch because I am just that cool!
@ScottBourne I’m already halfway through TWiP #21.
@MattBowen Once you do it enough, CSS becomes second nature.
New blog post: Presents Opening Children tinyurl.com/5bfkwd
@strawpoll Chocolate! Vanilla is just too early.
The Facebook app Gradzilla that I have been working on for the past few weeks is finally live. You should take a look is.gd/79b
“Your male device is super” – Complimentary spam isn’t all bad.
@bobthecow Yea, what were they thinking by complimenting me on my package. Man other people must think this tweet is sooo strange…
DO WANT! is.gd/7b6
@brownpau That painting is more you. Though this one takes the cake -> brandonbird.com/lazysunday.html
@geekycyberdad You should go to PodCampDC, I’ll be there
@vagredajr tinyurl.com/58vmxu ha ha!
@vagredajr I couldn’t resist.
@charliepark @brownpau IE is really not that difficult to deal with.
8pm brings a strong urge to nap but I will prevail.
Not in the mood to blog tonight. Bleh!
Don’t know what I have planned for work yet. I’m sure someone will ask for help on something right when I get there.
The world is my echo chamber!
@THErealDVORAK When will webservices and desktop apps unite, I.E. I can pull tag data from Flickr into iPhoto or Picasa and sync the two.