@strawpoll Hiking so I can get somewhere and take pictures. Fishing is an excuse to drink beer
I really dig this phot mannip -> ontwerpje.net/work/fv13.jpg
Just found out the Beltway Sniper killed a victim at the Shoppers Food Wharehouse that I go to every single week -> is.gd/6F8
Gnarly shipwreck digital -> tarrzan.cgsociety.org/gallery/pa…
New blog post: Optimal Aperture For Foreground Sharpness At Infinity tinyurl.com/68keyf
Yes, Hell’s Kitchen. The only show of incompetent dolts that I look forward to watching!
@vagredajr I know who leaves
$1499 Mac Book, $1999 low end Mac Book Pro, or $2499 high end Mac Book Pro?
Is twice the CPU cache and GPU memory worth $500?
@MattBowen This is built on Zope 3. I really liked how it came out. tinyurl.com/3xndrt
@strawpoll Yes sleeping is boring. And that already have that, it’s called torture!
New blog post: Steve Gibson Explains Internet Congestion tinyurl.com/586u87
Taking pictures of old ram and other junk to put on eBay.
Pandora, why are you playing Kelly Osbourne?
Ouch! tinyurl.com/5alj9x (Read Caption)
Lightbulb as an oil lamp – sergiosilva.us/images/oyule1.jpg
Two people asked me about my Zune today. Watch out fruit company.
Dear Twitter, what are the best non-Apple laptops out there and why ? (model #’s please) I feel like i’m missing something.
@lisah Probably both Windows and Linux. I just want to see what else is out there besides these shiny Apple products