@dextr0us You’ll have to post pics on your blog.
Home late from the office. Launching a huge data project at work on Friday.
Tonight is the calm before a hectic week.
Printing out my taxes and getting ready to mail them.
Girlfriend is researching stuff about Japan for a future vacation while I see if I can fix 24″ iMac from freezing randomly.
New blog post: Flickr Should Copy DeviantART Not YouTube tinyurl.com/3xmbwb
New blog post: Metro Takes A Peep At YouTube tinyurl.com/3cj283
New blog post: Two Flickr Photographers To Watch tinyurl.com/3273bl
feeds, podcasts and blogs! Oh my.
Hungry to the 10th power!
Metro is as good at making YouTube videos as they are at running trains on time -> tinyurl.com/39btwr
@technotheory Start here -> w3schools.com/css/css_intro.asp
@jgarber Don’t buy a house. Anything you can find within your $600 price range might not be too nice.
Not a good week for my blog. I have pictures I still need to post from 3 weeks ago. Aye!
@strawpoll Yes the U.S. economy is in a recession.
@jfc3 In Photoshop CS2+ there is a built in script that can resize images to fit within a given dimension and compress for the web
Anybody familiar with templating in Zope3?
@bobthecow Did that real Leprechaun look like this tinyurl.com/393fuj
More blogs out there than I have time for. including my own.
@lisah Thanks for the explanation of OH.