Stealing iPhoto because it should be included by default.
Listening to the falling rain and taking in the smell of freshness. Like a laundry detergent commercial.
What about Mike Gravel?
New blog post: Robbing Banks Isn’t Like The Movies…
OMG! Microsoft sees the light of standards compliance with IE8
@strawpoll Barack Obama will certainly have a better day. Afterall, he is my new bicycle.
I am now cross posting to Twitter and Pownce at the same time thanks to Twhirl!
@batterista Folks at work and I head to Mr. Smith’s in Georgetown every Tuesday for burgers. They are sooo good!
@sengbe Mr. Smith’s is definitely better than 5 Guys
@sengbe Haha! If you run an offical campaign for that title, you’ve got my vote.
New blog post: Redesigned Comments
Valuable comments and discussion are already pouring in right after I redesigned my comments
Chewboxa. Nice!
Twitter: The world’s largest feedback loop.
Bros before Hoes ->
Awesome What The Dukc comic today ->
New blog post: All Pink Bike
I really don’t use my bookmakrs as much as I ought to.
Smashing Magazine’s Best of Feb. has caused too many tabs to be open for further reading. Launching a new window for work stuff…
Damn you web developer crossword puzzle!