Roomate made chinese food which was really good. And she never cooks!
New blog post: Raccoon Vs. Cat
Development is suddenly getting complicated with SSHing and SVNing oh my!
Interesting insight into why art theives steal ->
Had a hell of a time walking home on ice. Just installed Firefox 3 Beta 3, a must have for older Macs. Super fast and stable!
Spending some time on adding useful links I have collected over the years…
New blog post: XBMC Recruiting For Mac Port
New blog post: Ice Storm Knocks Out Power
Got to work. Apparently everywhere else is AOK but Glenmont is covered in ice.
Lion on horse. the horse looks scared ->
Had a late night at the office making sure a live surgery got off and running
New blog post: Freestyling Jelly Pastry Ha ha!
“The connection between the softball and the parties and the corruption and the beatings was greatly intertwined.” Softball = corruption!
Anyone in the DC area looking for a job? has an opening for a developer. Direct message me and I can send you the deets!
Leaving the office before 6pm tonight. Woo hoo!
Woken at 4am to the sound of roommate vomiting loudly.
Early meeting had to be rescheduled because I was late. Woops!
Mmmm Steak for Lunch
I need a faster laptop than my Powerbook G4 867Mhz for doing any Photoshop work. Although it’s not as bad as you might think.