Coding some stuff for, my one stop feed aggregator.
Admiring the word knickers! hee hee!
AOL, why can’t I do anything with my AIM screen name? Stop holding it hostage!!!!
Pretty data center cabling –
@AndersonCooper is on Twitter? That’s awesome!
Man, hada long meeting and missed out on lunch!
Die hiccups, die!
@chrisvanpatten Interested in what?
Oh the irony ->
New blog post: Recreating D-Day Scene With 4 People And A Camera
Up and out of bed at 7:30am. Time to shake the sugar plumbs (or whatever kids dreamed about in the 1950’s) out of my head.
Anyone here know someone at AOL/AIM? My screen name kingkool68 is jacked…
@dextr0us That will happen once Pownce adds posting to it’s API
New blog post: Creepy Green Cherub
Facebook application meeting. I get to show off some wireframes I made!
Hmmm My AIM account seems to not be working]
Just added the bookmarks extension for Firefox. Works great ->
Watching American Idol for the failures, which are few and far between in this episode.
Hmm should I go to WidgetDevCamp this saturday?
New blog post: Hit Me On My iPhone