It’s cold out, very very cold out. and windy.
Hooray! I love when real live humans follow me and not twitter spam bots. Hello @grobertson
It feels so good to blow my nose.
I need a way to manage my wordpress plugins and delete the ones I don’t want. Is there a simple plugin to do that? Plugins folder is a mess.
Mmmm Turkey patties and rice for lunch!
There is a small perk to bundling IE right int othe kernel. Internet even if IE is locked down ->
Ha ha ->
Pimping ->…
U.S.News & World Report is seeking a Manager of Audience and Business Development to develop and manage partnerships in the Health category.
aka we are hiring!
Whoa! new metro fares go in effect Jan. 6th. Commuting for me is now $4.05 each way instead of $3.40
New blog post: Guesstimates Spare Change
New blog post: 666th Zune Fan
Anyone know of some good multi-monitor freeware? I found this ->…
My heros ->…
Working around our CMS is difficult.
Heading home after a day of work. I miss vacation already!
I have nothing to Twitter about right now.
Had a quiet night at home for New Year’s Eve. Happy 2008 everybody!
New blog post: I Am So Fly. Especially When Thrown.