Had Chipoltle for lunch, it wa good.
New blog post: Yellow Mini-Cooper In The Snow tinyurl.com/28qcjz
New blog post: Washington Harbor Xmas Lights tinyurl.com/28msg9
New blog post: First Snowfall Of The Season tinyurl.com/2x94jj
Girlfriend stuck in traffic, I wonder why? urltea.com/2qm
That was the best football game I have ever seen!
New blog post: Another Web 2.0 Bubble Video tinyurl.com/2xyy7a
If you buy anything on Amazon.com you need to know about refundplease.com/
New blog post: Making A Tango-Style Icon Step By Step tinyurl.com/25exyv
@jgarber Are you talking about camera batteries? Go generic -> tinyurl.com/2e4w4e
I want a Chumby -> chumby.com
Installed Leopard on my min. spec 867Mhz PowerBook last night. Running slow but I think it is because spotlight is indexing.
New blog post: Sidewalk Cutter tinyurl.com/yrdjg9
I heart Netvibes
@JasonCalacanis Digg does a lame job with podcasts. there needs to be something that keeps things fresh, the most popular has been static.
SmashingMagazine.com is dragging. A Pitty beause I need to catch up on posts1
Videotape is my favorite song on Radiohead’s In Rainbows CD -> tinyurl.com/2g4w78
Watching the Republican CNN/YouTube debate, should be fairly entertaining.
Whoa! Gloria Borger is on CNN. Her office is right around the corner from mine at USNews