It’s 2:15 and I’m feeling mean!
going home!
Xbox 360 AV Cables were missing two prongs but seller will send out more tomorrow. I’m still going to bid on a new auction for parts.
I am officially addicted to eBay
It’s so hot and sticky in my apartment I need to wash my face multiple times after getting home from work and going to bed.
@frankjonen True that. Adobe is so bloated! Bleh!
@frankjonen Don’t use those programs very much but there is inkscape
and found this OSS InDesign alternative -> Don’t know how desperate you are?
New blog post: Bitten By The Lens Bug
“Record 5-inch leg hair measured by cops” what kind of headline is that CNN?
Holy Moly! I’m going to have a ton of video podcasts to watch for my commute this week.
Sweet! My co worker found a free xbox 360 game and gave it to me — Spider-man friend or foe. Looks lame!
Jaiku has been Googlefied
I hear my xbox 360 power brick and A/V cables are at home waiting for me. Too bad I don’t have any controllers.
@charliepark I’ve played Settlers of Catan before. It’s like Warcraft but a boardgame.
is up to his eyeballs in websites about football photography.
Thinking of heading up to my parents house later today
I think I just heard a car accident outside of my apartment.
New blog post: Don’t You Wish You Could Pogo-Stick To Work
Temperature in my room 87.6F