New blog post: Why YouTube Video Ads Will Ultimately Fail
New blog post: How “Dugg” Are You?
New blog post: Inspiration:
@vagredajr I agree what is the point of them all?
Facebook please add mobile support for T-Mobile so I can update my status and Twitters from my phone.
New blog post: New Word Updates
@eighty5original Arg! I want an ice cream social! Drats to you!
Time to go pee! Good thing you are following my every move or you would have no idea
creating a dynamic drop shadow in IE6 is tricky stuff…
@charliepark Oh you are a funny one! Have no fear, I’ve got more must-read content on the way.
New blog post: Yo Gabba Gabba
New blog post: Digg Has Had A Picture Section All Along
New blog post: Dancing Teens Capture The Attention Of Millions
Last night I had a dream that I needed to find my room in a dark, swanky Hawaiian hotel using only my Windows Monile 5 smartphone. Weird?
New blog post: Good Day For Overgrown Limb Surgeries
I’m a pro at Wii boxing. Combined with 15 minutes on the exercise bike and you have one healthy but tired boy.
@eighty5original Go with #007CB1
Nobody reads my blog
Look it is a photo of John Foster from MacBreak Tech -> . I always wondered what he looked like!
New blog post: Problems In Comcast Internet Land