lunch a munch time!
At the ATM I found a receipt from someone who had $270,000 in their account
New blog post: International Drug Maker Arrested At My Local Mall
About to go get Chipoltle with brownpau
OH NOES!!! a competitor
New blog post: Faveup – Inspiration For Designers Block
New blog post: Did Wikipedia Just Insult Me?
@vagredajr Firefox crashes for me a lot at work and gets pretty slow from time to time. What ever happened to the quick, zippy browser?
I can’t wait for the ice cream social put on by my work.
Yay! Ice cream at work!
Have you ever thought about how much we use acronyms? For example, my blog would be at hyper text transfer protocol : / / world wide web …
. russell heimlich . commercial / weblog Bet you never thought about it like that, did you?
@vagredajr Whoa! That is a mighty task!
1/2 price burger day with old friends!
“It’s just like Speed 2 but with a bus!”
Read a book, read a book, read a mutter fucking book
New blog post: Russell Gets Haircut
New blog post: is live!
@brownpau Something crappy off of Craigslist? Who’d a thunk?
New blog post: Homeward Bound