@MikeNGarrett @Wildbit @beanstalkapp
What do you want for Christmas?
I’m switching careers because I will never make anything as important/awesome as this: dn.ht/picklecat/ (H/T @eterps)
Quite an impressive shot… twitter.com/petapixel/status/669…
I have never related to a floppy disk and a SD card this much before.
And now Zadie is walking… zadieheimlich.com/instagram/toda…
I love how Slack incorporated the old online game Glitch into their glitch page weirdglitch.slack.com/ This is what @stewart did b4 Slack.
“Your two best friends in the world are the ‘shift’ key and the key on the other side that also says ‘shift'” twitter.com/ClickHole/status/665…
Really excited to be talking HTTPS at the @WordPressDC meetup next week meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
Pet peeve: web developer meetups that have free beer, but no other beverage options. Many people can’t drink alcohol, or don’t want to.
I helped them scrape over a million Android apps to analyze their permissions. Fun times. twitter.com/pewinternet/status/6…
Interactive chart of freelance rates for designers/developers: hellobonsai.com/rates #ux #ui #ia #mobile #dataviz
@bobthecow Not if you’re using the official Twitter client.
Zack Kanter paints a rosy picture for autonomous vehicles totally upending life as we know it today zackkanter.com/2015/01/23/how-ub…
@brownpau Owning a home is fun.
@jgarber This seems to be my biggest hangup with using SVG symbols for anything.