“HTML is by default: responsive, vector, and highly readable on any device.”
@FlavorsIndiaMD We were the only ones. After the photo was taken other people came in.
@chriscoyier @davatron5000 That took an unexpected turn…
The lightest gray that’s accessible against white: #767676
REI, you’re my new hero. usatoday.com/story/money/2015/10…
@SAteaches I made a menu for my daughters website and tried to make it as accessible as I could. zadieheimlich.com/ How did I do?
if you want to write fast software, use a slow computer
The road to user-experience hell is paved with well-intentioned A/B tests
email from 1996
A week from today @WordPressDC will be back at @agencyCHIEF w/ another 2 speaker lineup. Come one, come all! bit.ly/1L9gFZf #DCtech
That’s a pretty good use of 360° video. twitter.com/petapixel/status/654…
“Big data”
Lastpass announces acquisition by LogMeIn. Maybe they should have disabled comments on the blog blog.lastpass.com/2015/10/lastpa…
@rlove @dannysullivan Oh gotcha.
@dannysullivan uh… that link doesn’t work. It just redirects me to the Google Homepage.
Washington, DC, movie theater from April, 1937, “See Hindenburg burn in mi dair” – photogrammar.yale.edu/records/in…
Alt text: Screenshot of OSX info bubble: No Battery available. Power source: Battery.