Went skateboarding this afternoon. It was fun.
Recommended!! TEDxLancaster from @charlie3 about how open source software is being used in schools to save $$$$$. youtu.be/f8Co37GO2Fc
Use plain old CSS to render HTML as markdown gist.github.com/ImJasonH/c00cdd7…
Simple and clever.
Happy only child awareness day…
Same thing we did when we got to megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte… twitter.com/nekolaweb/status/586…
Do you use #Office to publish research? I’ve started a tut series about customizing templates jessicaschillinger.us/2015/blog/…
Twitter now has it’s own equivalent of the Facebook Poke… twitter.com/fugularity/status/58…
I’ll be there. twitter.com/williamsba/status/58…
Know any freelance WordPress folks who might want to work with one of my favorite people on Earth? Pretty please let me know. Thanks!
Still tricky with tables of various columns and widths but it is still my favorite approach to responsive tables. twitter.com/chriscoyier/status/5…
♡┊┊RATHOLE┊┊♡ twitter.com/DUQE/status/58524111…
Twitter is now feature complete with Tumblr. twitter.com/twitter/status/58522…
@Delicious So are your RSS/JSON feeds ever going to come back up? feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/geniu…
@ven000m You can add a + character to the end of the URL which is like adding a space at the end of the text: dummyimage.com/500x500/ff0/0ff/&…
My favorite feature is removing code.
Attacking and Exploiting WordPress www-personal.umich.edu/~markmont…
@jfc3 I learned JavaScript by Accident russellheimlich.com/blog/how-i-l…
@jfc3 JavaScript the Good Parts amazon.com/gp/product/0596517742… & DOM Scripting amazon.com/gp/product/1430233893…