@nekolaweb @will_koper @aaronjorbin I don’t need Pinterest to tell me what women like whatculture.com/wp-content/uploa…
@e_to_the_m @davatron5000 @zomigi @chriscoyier Man how’d you guys get Michael Moore to show up to a web development conference?
@e_wils @sarahfriedland @addthis @jeffwongdesign @jimlanenova +1, Like, Retweet, and all the other actions Addthis tracks to you!
@lisawilliams @jilliancyork @greglinch LOLCode developers are already in demand boingboing.net/2007/10/26/lolcod…
@NguyetV @jaredcunha @starsoup7 @dallendoug Need to split cost of room. Have Rav-4 which can seat 4 others and will have tethered internet.
@starsoup7 @nguyetv @convergese @jaredcunha Got mine too.
@AstickofGum @kathkat15 @SmellyICE You are the 9%.
@AstickofGum @ammy914 @noelle_lol furious is longer.
@clarissa Yes’m along with @nekolaweb @beepybop and @mpiccorossi
@smarty @thisguy @kallie @desandro That’s eating fowl with class 2.bp.blogspot.com/_WUwf_2dhedc/S…
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey replygif.net/i/257
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey youtube.com/watch?v=DTKjuivqd7w
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey Do go on… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Pr…
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb 2.5 males vs 1.5 females (@brian_k_bailey wears girl jeams)
@JoannaBrenner @brian_k_bailey @nekolaweb A typical estrogen response.
@JoannaBrenner @brian_k_bailey @nekolaweb img.gawkerassets.com/img/17ssvpt…
@JoannaBrenner @brian_k_bailey @nekolaweb work that boring eh?
@nekolaweb @brian_k_bailey @joannabrenner MySpace has plenty of Tom new.myspace.com/search/?q=tom
@brian_k_bailey @joannabrenner @nekolaweb You’re lucky I ignored your drop-boxed pictures on your old computer after you left…
@jcarbaugh @jgarber @trevor_davis I’ve had my Roomba for a couple of years. I love it.