@AstickofGum @fugularity @snowpunk @smellyice Length trumps any other stupid password rule.
@mpiccorossi @beepybop @nekolaweb Atleast it’s not Lobster… google.com/webfonts/specimen/Lob…
@mpiccorossi @ONAConf @jkeefe That’s a super old version of Highcharts you’ve got bundled in there.
@nacin Galaxy Nexus. Just ask @JohnPBloch, @async_io, @aaronjorbin
@nacin My wife @naudebynature used to follow @uberfacts until they mentioned people on Guam still live in huts. Guamanians don’t like that.
@Common132 We use @highcharts to build interactive charts and graphs @pewresearch. It’s a JavaScript library with plenty of documentation.
@SmellyICE You’re screwed. “@AstickofGum: @ammy914 @kathkat15 omg I want in on this convo!! Babies babies babies!”
@Jennison @jfc3 @Nethermind @pauljadam @karlgroves How #a11y friendly is this code color syntax sample? is.gd/z9wsHe
@Whitmoyer @nacin These are the WordPress security slides from @williamsba from WordCamp Mid-Atlantic slideshare.net/williamsba/now-th…
Congrats to @martymadrid and @nclud going to @twitter He probably looks like this right now. twitpic.com/9ssgb4
2nd-Annual #ossbbq with @WordPressDC @DCjQuery @DCPHP & DC Droids: bit.ly/NaHYUd
@elgreg you should meet @charliepark he’ll be @fluentconf too!
Those who have died for our freedom will never be forgotten-let us honor our vets this #MemorialDay. @USMC @USArmy @USNavy @usairforce @USCG
@corrigancj23 @ubuntourist @jfc3 @charjtf Went to page. Select All. Noticed the shape of a giant E which is what you need to be on to enjoy
@brownpau @carlsmith’s talk was awesome. I saw it at @convergese
@WordPressDC Will be streaming live on fathomTV bit.ly/IKRZTw #WordPress #DC #Meetups @nacin @anthonydpaul @aaronjorbin @kingkool68
anyone else want to help @kingkool68 & I use up one of my $40 @CometPingPong @LivingSocial coupons tonight? Meeting him at 14th & L at 6 PM.
@JohnPBloch @ryancduff @danhgilmore @technosailor C:WINDOWSsystem32
@kingkool68 @brownpau @mkupferman but not now. Wait until they release new ones. Soon hopefully.