@greglinch Friday night and Sunday night. @nacin @aaronjorbin and my wife @naudebynature are in tow
@greglinch Friday night and Sunday night. @nacin @aaronjorbin and my wife @naudebynature are in tow
Spaces too! RT @stephenchan @GlennF @gruber @siracusa @jsnell Mission Control allows you to re-arrange full-screen apps now. +1 to Apple!
Tonight, @dcphp has @zaneMATTHEW talking #WordPress dev, in partnership with @WordPressDC! RSVP: is.gd/jaM1ND & bring beer.
@trepmal @nacin @cbraddoss For my metabox err… framework i guess it is, I use metabox as one word is.gd/HvIll8
Tomorrow at @fathomgallery 7pm, @kingkool68 will be presenting at @dcjquery on sticky headers: is.gd/UAwviM
@mpiccorossi @aenean_ RT @RWW How To Rank Highly on Google News [study] is.gd/9E5L9K
@Jennison @107designs Follow @VidCapper and come down to DC for accessibility camp!
@JohnPBloch @cohenspire @farrelley I’ll keep my bananas in my banana phone
@jfc3 @jessabean @FriedChickpea @blanksky We could do hot coal fire walking…
Latest @Poynter + @HacksHackers piece: 9 reasons to switch from Drupal to WordPress bit.ly/oMiZE9 by @allanhoffman #jtech
@MikeNGarrett @cohenspire The organizers of @convergese mentioned raising rates. They sold out during early bird pricing.
I hear smart people will be there RT @JohnPBloch Very excited about the @WordPressDC meetup tonight at @fathomcreative.
@johnpbloch @toekneestuck @jlleblanc Here’s a glimpse about my SVN/Git setup. It’s probably odd, but that’s ok. So am i is.gd/c8QVUn
@AstickofGum @snowpunk @kathkat15 I think I found the origin… is.gd/5SIQVz
@corrigancj23 Here’s my slide deck, you want slide 20 -> is.gd/1MGi1Q @VidCapper will make it’s debut @accesscampdc in October.
@pauljadam @jfc3 @accessibilitydc @jennison Oooo I hear that is a good one.
@ijansch @thijsdamen @farrelley is.gd/bX78fC has the source code.
@cohenspire meet @shaziasami of @couturemafia. She’s looking for design help
@davidlantner @simonw @GregLavallee is.gd/JAlHf4 provides a handy dandy web service
@aaronjorbin @janeforshort @jfc3 @Jennison Flattered!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.