How was the Designing for Mobile talk last night? cc @jessabean @cohenspire @blanksky @aebsr
How was the Designing for Mobile talk last night? cc @jessabean @cohenspire @blanksky @aebsr
@aminatou @NMSosphere @WilliamBeutler If you type periods you’re doing it wrong.
@gacdc Does signing up for a double mean $200-$250 per person or per couple? cc @aebsr @cohenspire
@cohenspire @steph_hay @aebsr Well one man belongs in jeggings smallscreenscoop.com/conan-in-je…
Think I might come back to WordPress. @nacin and @kingkool68 may have convinced me with their lightning talks @dcphp
Anyone from @hackersdc wanna get dinner before the NPR thing tonight? @nacin? @greglinch?
Whatever happened to @RefreshDC? Let’s get it going again. /cc @desandro @mringlein
Drats! RT @RebbyYumYu I just ousted @kingkool68 as the mayor of Pew Research Center on @foursquare! 4sq.com/6vZQLd
The shwag for all 2011 @AnEventApart attendees should be real bookends, molded to look like @zeldman & @veen #aea
@msinkiat @booboozela @fsenco PAY with PENNIES!
@jgarber When is @theorchid gonna be on @grooveshark ?
@georgeharito @dimoss @rosswitherby placehold.it and dummyimage.com are one in the same. Take your pick.
@jfc3 @cohenspire @jzy @blanksky @mikengarrett There’s a good place in Annandale called Pho Hot.
@epalf @msinkiat @casper_edora I guess you’ve never used the Chipotle burrito nutrition info calculator is.gd/cKyZp
@epalf @naudebynature, @itsrayshelle & @jinaldo were watching that movie last night.
WTF?! Insight Communications straight-up stole Apple’s site design & layout myinsight.com (via @jimbrochowski @amoon66 @jriga)
@jessabean @Cohenspire @whafro Soundsl ike you guys need a CSS style guide bit.ly/8XampO
Playing around on an iPad with @bpeebles and @willferguson, they found @kingkool68’s burrito cutout in Street View: ping.fm/bhAYG
@renano @JenNedeau Why does @FortuneMagazine send shitty fake invoices to con people in to subscribing? Got one yesterday.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.