@sldownard @jss1113 @redeyechicago What do you think of the Millennial quiz?
@sldownard @jss1113 @redeyechicago What do you think of the Millennial quiz?
I built it out in WP RT @thorpus Did you hear about TEDxPotomac? tr.im/Nkfd via @addthis — Site designed by @BenHofer
RT @Casper_Edora @naudebynatue @kingkool68 stop ur disputes on twitter haha.
RT @jfc3 would like 2 thank @thorpus @corbett3000 @farrelley, PATRICK &
all the others that helped us put on another great @BarCampDC event
RT @BlankSky:congrats @kingkool68 great writeup! RT @adcmw: Fresh Face: Russell Heimlich bit.ly/iI861
@riichdiinero @itsrayshelle I think @naudebynature came down with something as well which means I’ll get it in a couple of days.
RT @jgarber:I just ousted @adrianfenty as the mayor of Washington, DC on @foursquare!
@jgarber How about getting @theorchid on @grooveshark artists.grooveshark.com
Just finished Twit #206 w/ @peterrojas, @calacanis, and @leolaporte. Lots of good links like gdgt.com and chartbeat.com http://www.twit. …
Waiting for @whafro and @jgarber to post the slides from last nights @refreshdc talk so I can see that great trademarked quote.
@freshgreens @housyd @skunkgal You all are sissies. I made it to the office just fine.
Had a dream I was hanging out with @film_girl and @grobertson from @downloadsquad. Too much Twitter/blog reading before bed last night.
Improptu pre @refreshdc in front of Caribou. @whafro and @jgarber are here.
@leolaporte sounded very much like @drtiki in @WilHarris ‘s video interview. How many more people can I tag in this tweet?
watching @jgarber watching @pixelant and @jmari4803 playin’ on their mobiles.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.