@QuinnyPig @SuMastodon @awscloud What about 1 row x a million columns
@williamsba @jeffr0 @patrickokeefe Oh yeah you should get the sitepoint podcast crew back together again
@zeldman @lastfm @lastfmstatus I scrobble to @ListenBrainz as well for a backup
👋 Hey!
I’m looking for a new gig immediately in devrel or webperf engineering. A bit about me:
🤓 15 years as a front end developer.
📝 I’ve written for @alistapart, @smashingmag, @css, and @google.
📣 International speaker.
Interested? DMs open! jeremy.codes
@zgordon @formbackend @StratticWeb Cool. I’ll just watch your video before bothering to sign up
@freshyill Poor @eero you mean @geteero
Also it’s all about @ubnt stuff
@michaelgat @bryptik @QuinnyPig You should setup an AWS Lambda function to dynamically resize images on the fly as well…
@horus_kol @StackOverflow Thank goodness for @waybackmachine I only needed it for one simple thing.
@pressingfm @wpmark @TimberWP Anyhoo I have way more thoughts on this than can fit in tweets. I would love to be on the show and vouch for Twig templating.
@pressingfm @wpmark @TimberWP I still like to use WordPress’ template hierarchy so it is familair to other devs. I just collect the data in PHP and pass it to the Twig template to be rendered. Here’s a simple demo theme to show it in action github.com/kingkool68/sprig-demo…
@pressingfm @wpmark @TimberWP I do like using Twig templates for rendering HTML from data. I created a small plugin to integrate Twig with WordPress and use a few filters for escaping. github.com/kingkool68/sprig
@pressingfm @wpmark @TimberWP Timber is weird to me as a lot of it is duplicating PHP logic in another form. That really turned me off.
@stanwilsonjr @kyee @andrewcohen It gets better. I read two books to my 5 year old. She says she wasn’t tired. So I left her bedside light on and told her she can read books herself until she is tired, turn off the light, then go to bed. When I checked on her later she had followed through.
@dbanksDesign @darianrosebrook @spotifydesign I mean remember Turntable.fm? That was all social music
@GtLaloSilva @shanehanderson @chriscoyier That’s Oldmorphism!
@github @Cloudflare @Google @iRobot @awscloud @digitalocean This is a dark pattern. It implies that the least expensive option is $40 a month rather than the $5 a month option. t.co/DgOP7Jb4Fw
@zachleat @raymondcamden @davatron5000 But it felt so good after a good defrag. I always thought things felt faster. They probably weren’t actually faster though.
@Rmmmsy @aniacopian @amazon Gives you enough time to get ready
@KoriAshton @ws_form @gravityforms sHaDy
@ninjaforms @enqueue_russ @GiveWP @gravityforms @easywpforms I want full control of the HTML of the form but don’t want to mess with storing it and processing it in WordPress. Does that make sense?