The US has such few test results for #coronavirus because they need to fly Maury Povich to each person’s house to dramatically read the results.

Trump be like

5 year old is into the Nightmare Before Christmas. Better keep her away from Hot Topic at the mall

@fugularity Yea whatever peg leg

I bet it was that evil master Shredder twitter.com/NatlAquarium/status/…

@Rmmmsy @round @byte_app No problem with kingkool68

So happy to announce my advanced Skillshare course about front-end performance! Watch it here:

When you open a fortune cookie and there is no fortune inside

@beepybop ** GASP **

@trudesign When you open a CSS file is all you see triplets of numbers?

I thought having kids would inspire a lot of entrepreneurial ideas. So far the best one I’ve come up with is finding that mythical OFF button