@miked1ck Go on the trip. See the details dhs.gov/news/2020/03/11/homeland…
@miked1ck Go on the trip. See the details dhs.gov/news/2020/03/11/homeland…
@donw Nah too expensive. I use the cheapest plan on mxroute.com/ with a rule to delete email messages older than 180 days to save space.
@wesbos WordPress offers one developer.wordpress.com/docs/pho…
When your wife asks you change the blowout diaper twitter.com/HumanoidHistory/stat…
HTML (via Angelfire/Geocities page builder)
JavaScript (by accident)
PHP (via WordPress)
I just kept going deeper and deeper in the stack… twitter.com/catalinmpit/status/1…
@panphora p.s. I found you via HackerNews news.ycombinator.com/item?id=225…
@panphora Hey I really dig the design of the Remake site. What software do you use to do your screen recordings for the tutorials? Ones like docs.remaketheweb.com/introducin…
Google confirms Microformats are still a recommended metadata format for content
The closest thing to snow we’ve seen here this winter is this hail storm instagram.com/p/B9aG6NGHf1-/
@mor10 I’m wearing this shirt today. Kiddo grew out of hers.
Don’t bother learning another frontend framework, they’re too similar. If you know React you’re all set for opportunities
A backend framework like Rails or Django or Laravel, would round you out a lot more as a developer*
*I have yet to do this myself
Visited a site where the links redirect you to a 404 page if you visit a permalink directly. But if you search the site and click a link the URL is exactly the same. Their conversions must be terrible.
“I want to cultivate a pro-weirdo WordPress subculture. A place for people to belong who don’t feel like they belong anywhere else. A place where people don’t feel pressured to conform but free to be themselves.”
@plasticmind It’s pretty easy to get the JSON data behind an Instagram page. It’s served up inline at the bottom of the page. You can extract it like this (PHP) github.com/postaddictme/instagra…
The harder part is scraping the markup of an Instagram URL. They aggressively block.
Need to embed a PDF? Try this…
<iframe src=”docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?…<URL-TO-PDF>&embedded=true” frameborder=”0″ height=”100%” width=”100%”>
Replace <URL-TO-PDF> with a PDF URL. Here’s a demo: codepen.io/kingkool68/pen/oNXGPQ…
@TatianaTMac The Benny Hill theme song youtu.be/x5sQL7q_IOI
You Suffer by Napalm Death youtu.be/ybGOT4d2Hs8
Sunday morning iPadding in a box
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/B9Mf8zqlU_g/
@marcoceppi Nice! I like the guide at gitmoji.carloscuesta.me/
@markboulton I started playing around with this and came up with codepen.io/kingkool68/pen/OJVmXz…
There’s only two different sizes but you could add more as needed.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.