@MrAhmadAwais @Kimmelpalooza This is a good thread about CSS as a programming language
Because it seems so simple at first some people don’t dive in and learn the breadth of the language.
@MrAhmadAwais @Kimmelpalooza This is a good thread about CSS as a programming language
Because it seems so simple at first some people don’t dive in and learn the breadth of the language.
Acceptance Testing WordPress Plugins by @stevenhenty
Don’t let the simple syntax trick you, dive into it and learn how it works.
Ask a lot of questions.
Don’t be happy when something works, but find out why it’s working.
Use your dev tools to see what’s really going on.
Took me a while to figure out how to do this in stable Chrome…
1. Enable DevTools Experiments by going to chrome://flags/#enable-devtools-experiments and restarting Chrome
2. Open DevTools, go to Preferences, go to Experiments, check CSS Overview twitter.com/csswizardry/status/1…
@shortxstack Worth every penny. Worked for my kids. amzn.to/2VgUg9i
Beautiful day for a trip to the playground.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison @ Centennial Park Maryland instagram.com/p/B84f5LVH8Q1/?igs…
Today is my cake day on Reddit 🍰
13 years apparently!
Wildly helpful diagram for understanding <script async> vs <script defer>. twitter.com/flexdinesh/status/12…
🔗 How to overlap images in CSS
This is a great, concise and practical tutorial by Bri Camp Gomez.
highlight.php is a PHP port of highlight.js for server-side code syntax highlighting
@michaelgat @bryptik @QuinnyPig You should setup an AWS Lambda function to dynamically resize images on the fly as well…
I was today years old when I found out the Ghostbusters theme song had an official music video
@randallb Joel McHale was going to be Roy en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_IT_C…
We’re pleased to announce our first group of speakers! Please stay tuned over the next few days to meet all of our lovely speakers for this year’s WordCamp DC!
@allisongrayce Here’s the first site I built using Angelfire mdskate.russellheimlich.com/
I am currently available for front end development projects! As well as front end builds, I also do WordPress and HTML emails – hit me up for a chat 🙂 joannaeyre.co.uk
In which the AMP team over-engineer a search input field in order to work around the self-imposed lack of custom JavaScript, instead of just admitting that they probably just shouldn’t use AMP for this purpose…
@tvanantwerp @algolia I found this algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-…
I was curious how long browsers these days will wait for a JavaScript file to load before displaying content that comes after it in the page. So I tested it!
Chrome: 30s
Firefox: 30s
Edge: 20s
IE 11: 7s
Safari: 60s
Android Chrome: 63s
iOS: 75s
Test runs tinyurl.com/swngjl3
@ThatsCold It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-gu…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.