What if we all just tweeted our job titles, salary, and current location? twitter.com/RefreshDC/status/122…
What if we all just tweeted our job titles, salary, and current location? twitter.com/RefreshDC/status/122…
@rands I start with what @wirecutter recommends thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-o…
Receives a SVG wrapping a base64’d PNG. twitter.com/boop/status/12289075…
That means April 7, 2020 according to en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_…
HTML attribute loading=”lazy” is coming to Firefox!
“Mozilla plans to support lazy loading for images and iframes in Firefox 75.”
@MrAhmadAwais @Netlify According to tools.keycdn.com/performance?url… the redirect is a 302 (temporary) not a 301 (permanent) redirect
Today I learned about the download attribute for HTML links. Handy if you want the link to download a file.
I wrote up everything I know about links (<a>) and buttons (<button>).
✶ A Complete Guide to Links and Buttons css-tricks.com/a-complete-guide-…
Special thanks to @ericwbailey and @geoffreygraham for the review and edits.
@pressingfm @wpmark @TimberWP I still like to use WordPress’ template hierarchy so it is familair to other devs. I just collect the data in PHP and pass it to the Twig template to be rendered. Here’s a simple demo theme to show it in action github.com/kingkool68/sprig-demo…
@pressingfm @wpmark @TimberWP I do like using Twig templates for rendering HTML from data. I created a small plugin to integrate Twig with WordPress and use a few filters for escaping. github.com/kingkool68/sprig
@randallb He’s a fun generator to play around with neumorphism.io/#55b9f3
Current redesign status: bukk.it/drawing-vs-drawing.jpg
@davatron5000 Now you can PHP while you JS github.com/hirak/phpjs
@__apf__ Literally the name game song. My kids always crack up over this. Let them pick the names, you sing it, and then let them finish by saying the actual name at the end.
@sethrubenstein Ah yes, the Mailchimp API. I wrote a PHP wrapper class around it for use with WordPress gist.github.com/kingkool68/2d2f1…
Not exactly plug and play but you can see how things work at least.
@miked1ck We need a modern day pidgin.im/
@dbanksDesign @darianrosebrook @spotifydesign I mean remember Turntable.fm? That was all social music
@kathkat15 Playing these videos on our phones helped with getting Z to brush m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO0…
Today I learned…
The HTML 5 specification permits the <tfoot> to come before the <tbody> element. As of HTML 5.1 the <tfoot> now must come after <tbody>.
The punchline to this thread is deep twitter.com/craigcalcaterra/stat…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.