nginxconfig.io is a nifty interactive config builder: bit.ly/2EsYMHJ – beats copy/pasting from docs. t.co/AY2VnE7YFN
nginxconfig.io is a nifty interactive config builder: bit.ly/2EsYMHJ – beats copy/pasting from docs. t.co/AY2VnE7YFN
@brad_frost That this was even possible mobile.twitter.com/kingkool68/st…
This is my new favorite sport. twitter.com/Foone/status/1103384…
Another model for local news teeters: Spirited Media is selling off its local sites and pivoting to consulting buff.ly/2HjCjjw
When you see gorgeous sites like this all I think is “man I’m never gonna be able to redesign my personal site” twitter.com/wilto/status/1102615…
@jessabean That’s why iPads are a worthy investment.
The day after International Day of Awesomeness dayofawesomeness.com
NEWS: Colorado Public Radio to acquire @Denverite from Spirited @spiritedmediaco — medium.com/billy-penn/colorado-p…
@seclarke Here ya go twitter.com/kingkool68/status/11…
Ended up going with the VAVA USB-C hub (amzn.to/2Et6Xnn) over the Satechi V2 Hub (amzn.to/2SEbw3x)
– Slightly cheaper
– @wirecutter recommended
– It does everything I need it to do (one probably half the price probably would have worked too)
I’ve been using SmartGit (syntevo.com/smartgit/) since forever but I think I’m going to start using @sourcetree now for a Git GUI.
Spent the day getting dotfiles setup github.com/kingkool68/dotfiles which is basically a fork of @mathias that everyone seems to do.
My favorite tweak is github.com/kingkool68/dotfiles/b… for SSH auto completion.
New blog post! “Responsive spacing with viewport and ch units” – chipcullen.com/responsive-spacin…
@mattcampux Remember the robber and the cop? At one point they switched roles. The cop became the villian. youtu.be/901oJVn7pgg
Cosigned. twitter.com/SaraSoueidan/status/…
USB-C is such a mess of a standard.
Next up is Spectacle App for managing windows. Option + Command + F will resize your window to be full screen without entering full screen mode. Full screen mode is terrible. Option + Command + arrow keys to do half screen 🙌🏻
Some notable Chrome extensions:
LastPass for passwords lastpass.com/
Website IP for displaying the IP address of the page you’re visiting chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…
Quick JavaScript switcher because I like to make sure things work when JS doesn’t chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…
Oh yea I guess I get to invest in some dongles because this thing only has 4 USB-C ports (and a headphone jack, how unbrave of Apple). I hear this hub is a good buy. amzn.to/2XtnHUv
@skeevis Awesome congrats! I just wanted to say thanks for Try Try Again Dalia. Kiddos and I read this quite frequently.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.