On top of Carter Mountain Orchard instagram.com/p/Bok0Cx2nS-V/

On top of Carter Mountain Orchard instagram.com/p/Bok0Cx2nS-V/
@sawarunan @round Microsoft BOB
Introducing the Button element – HankChizlJaw hankchizljaw.io/wrote/introducin…
@lelandf Did you meet a girl at the bank and then go to Cleveland? youtube.com/watch?v=wBWNgg8CClc
World’s Oldest Torrent Still Alive After 15 Years dlvr.it/QlnsBf
Web design is coming full circle. #javascriptmousetrails twitter.com/ricardomendieta/stat…
I’m sorry NO. One of the worst parts of my time at Apple was the toxic culture this line of thinking bred. Swearing at and insulting people’s work is not okay and is never helpful. Criticism for criticism’s sake is a power move. twitter.com/kocienda/status/1045…
How do you get design teams to adhere to a style guide? How do you know when to break it? I wrote about a simple solution we created at BuzzFeed:
Finally, a Tumblr devoted to control panels.
I made a creature. I shall call him Fred.
@mmatuzo @hj_chen Nice use of dummyimage.com
It’s been a hell of a year at @spiritedmediaco, as we’ve launched membership, taken on consulting and platform work and intensified our focus on events. The result is a 70 percent decrease in monthly burn, and a far clearer view of the right path forward. medium.com/billy-penn/spirited-m…
Handy for front end developers who need good sass variable names for color names of varying shades throughout a project twitter.com/rougeux/status/10388…
The State of Fieldset Interoperability – Bocoup bocoup.com/blog/the-state-of-fie…
I’m ready to download my operating system. Where is it? visitmojave.com/
@round If you’re not benchmarking DNS performance from your own location because computer networks are hard and there is no one size fits all answer then you darn well should be grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm
Does anyone even still listen to Pandora? twitter.com/SIRIUSXM/status/1044…
These shoes seem to have a lot in common with the adobe logos. soxy.com
(props @rieglerphoto)
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.