But all 4 things are rather messy. twitter.com/fhinkel/status/95865…

1) Work on a bunch of different things (diversify)
2) Write about what you work on/find interesting/have problems with etc. (communication)
3) Don’t be a dick (empathy) twitter.com/reddit_progr/status/…

Whatever Happened to the Semantic Web? bit.ly/2xD1SWt

📢 I just published a new article where I do a deep dive into improving website performance with a technique I’m calling Idle Until Urgent. ⚡
If you’re looking for some advanced performance techniques that you can use today, this article is for you!

Excuse me, I have been a government software contractor and I assure you this is not the largest man-made waterfall twitter.com/evankirstel/status/1…

The future of journalism

How Blockbuster, Kodak And Xerox Really Failed (It’s Not What You Think)

Can be said about Twitter as a whole twitter.com/jack/status/10421905…

Typography matters. twitter.com/katienotopoulos/stat…

Someone made a font that looks like Times New Roman but is *ever so slightly wider* to make term papers stretch out. Good work, America buzzfeednews.com/article/katieno…

@JTI519 Awww newly wed problems. I use Personal Capital to get na overview of all of our financial accounts. Makes it easy to see where money is going

i just downloaded this 90s cdrom called ‘gifs galore’ and honestly highly recommended archive.org/details/GifsGalore_A… t.co/ATPXL04lLF

RE: Software disenchantment rakhim.org/2018/09/re-software-d…
A rant-y reply to @nikitonsky’s latest post.

New article: Software Disenchantment. Today’s software and software practices suck. It’s on us, engineers, to step up and do better tonsky.me/blog/disenchantment/

RIP Path. ⚰️🥀 producthunt.com/news/387-path-is…

Mommy came home from her #momcation in New York City. The girls waited for her at the train station.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison #mommyishome #train #amtrak instagram.com/p/BnznBP9n9xb/

Zadie built a line.
#ZadieAlyssa #blocks instagram.com/p/BnypPaujszj/

Watching Bubble Guppies
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bnwv4Xtn4NT/

Vera found herself in the midst of a serious game of hide-and-go seek with the bigger kids.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BnwoG0AnFiF/