Announcing Frontenberg! A frontend, logged out #Gutenberg playground that lets you test out the new #WordPress editor instantly frontenberg.tomjn.com/ t.co/KCJLP0nate

@dantello5 I’m super into Apollo arstechnica.com/uncategorized/20…

@williamsba That’s not a real spike coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bit…

This is really incredible. ML is forming an impenetrable moat around many Google properties, and Maps is perhaps the most visible example. If you’re hoping Apple Maps will be competitive someday, don’t hold your breath. justinobeirne.com/google-maps-mo…

@DanLevyThinks @SpikeEskin It’s mostly a toy investment craze here in the states but in other places Bitcoin is very real mobile.nytimes.com/aponline/2017…

Web development is hard. twitter.com/ricoviq/status/94282…

Baltimore, DC, Philly, and beyond!
Announcing the first IndieWebCamp Baltimore: Jan 20-21 at @DHFBaltimore.
Spend Saturday learning and discussing the #IndieWeb, and Sunday working on your website. Build a better web, for you (not them)!
Register now! 2018.indieweb.org/baltimore

@petapixel For context twitter.com/petapixel/status/940…

@Rmmmsy @apollographql I have no idea what that means but I’m sure you’ve seen this github.com/wp-graphql/wp-graphql

@brownpau These are your all-time greatest hits tweets.kingkool68.com/twitter-us…

pure gold tweets.kingkool68.com/2006/12/

@MKBHD You should do a video on your thoughts about crypto currency. I watched youtube.com/channel/UCCatR7nWbYr… to help me get up to speed.

So long @Storify You were always a weird service storify.com/faq-eol

@K_Willzzz @Olivia_JC4PM Give it a whirl! coinbase.com/join/59ca5b2a9b662e…

@tnbaustin Gotta take some risk to get a reward. Think about dollar cost averaging to make it more automated and less painful investopedia.com/terms/d/dollarc…

@D13GOm 1) Figure out how much you’re willing to lose if it all goes south
2) Buy some BitCoin at an exchange like CoinBase coinbase.com/join/59ca5b2a9b662e…

@bristanbrom 1) Figure out how much you’re willing to lose if it all goes south
2) Buy some BitCoin at an exchange like CoinBase coinbase.com/join/59ca5b2a9b662e…