As promised, I wrote about building @SlackHQ’s new site, featuring shiny new ✨ CSS Grid ✨
As promised, I wrote about building @SlackHQ’s new site, featuring shiny new ✨ CSS Grid ✨
@round See github.com/song940/twitter/blob/… and github.com/song940/twitter/blob/…
@leerdustin @bethsoderberg Even more goodness! kingkool68.com/wp-svg/#/
@bethsoderberg Is this you? twitter.com/nypl/status/50755986…
Slides from my #wcbalt talk on WordPress and SVG kingkool68.com/wp-svg/
10am in the Charles Village room
Digging the campy feel of the artwork at WordCamp Baltimore.
#wcbalt #wordpress #wordcamp instagram.com/p/BaPag7GFLRx/
I love the @wpMailMe WordPress newsletter! twitter.com/hallwaychats/status/…
Working on my slides for WordCamp Baltimore which starts tomorrow!
This thread got me to start seriously start learning about cryptocurrencies even though I first heard about Bitcoin in 2011… twitter.com/marting/status/91070…
Because LinkedIn isn’t annoying enough as it is… twitter.com/techmeme/status/9188…
You can find me all confused and perplexed about a decentralized Twitter clone over at mastodon.social/@kingkool68
Lazy load images with inline SVGs to a better thumbnail experience on @CodePen codepen.io/ainalem/full/aLKxjm/ #lazyload t.co/vu8K1O3caB
“Scout camp is gonna be so awesome this summer!” twitter.com/bsachief/status/9181…
In other words…
@media print { “CSS: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition” } twitter.com/meyerweb/status/9178…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.