@SandyS1 Also probably a good sign etsy.com/listing/207982783/naugh…
@SandyS1 Also probably a good sign etsy.com/listing/207982783/naugh…
@SandyS1 Could be a sign cafepress.com/+nobody_knows_i39m…
Can confirm. This is exactly like being in an office. twitter.com/round/status/8895068…
New White House comms director can’t exit out of vi either. twitter.com/Scaramucci/status/29…
Introducing Zadie to Legos
#zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/BW20ccbFaOS/
I opened 1691 tabs in @FirefoxNightly. You won’t believe what happened next. metafluff.com/2017/07/21/i-am-a-…
How can you not get excited by this? This is brilliant. twitter.com/andrewprojdent/statu…
NYT: Spicer resigns nyti.ms/2tn82GN
Tickets are Officially on sale for WordCamp Baltimore 2017! 2017.baltimore.wordcamp.org/tick… #wcbalt #WordCamp #WordPress
Have you submitted your @wordcampbalt speaker application? What are you waiting for? Today is the last day! #WCBalt 2017.baltimore.wordcamp.org/call…
@daljo628 What about making a calendar out of an <ol> russellheimlich.com/frontend-tip…
A WordCamp that is literally camping camp.press/
@WesLinda @wordcampbalt @WordPress Archives links, media, categorizes, and a nifty 404 page tweets.kingkool68.com/my-404-pag…
@wordcampbalt @WordPress I wrote a Twitter Backup plugin and theme github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@round so is this one.. youtube.com/watch?v=239vHrwt8Rs
I’m not a princess I’m a khaleesi.
#veraaddison #got instagram.com/p/BWoNlualm2J/
WordCamp DC organizers saying Bye, Bye, Bye to the afterparty #WCDC pscp.tv/w/bDmFbDFvUEtMWW1abU5Ham…
When not to use regex? HTML parsing is one example stackoverflow.com/questions/1732…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.