Slides now available for our #wcdc WordCamp DC presentation on how Arlington County switched to WordPress. speakerdeck.com/kpegoraro/wordca…
Slides now available for our #wcdc WordCamp DC presentation on how Arlington County switched to WordPress. speakerdeck.com/kpegoraro/wordca…
Beach life.
#streetphotography #beachballs #alley instagram.com/p/BWkcQsplcs-/
@GetSource Kind of janky but technically it’s doable for most budgets. russellheimlich.com is run that way but its never updated
@GetSource Piggybacking on the comment about running an entire site through a CDN…
I wrote a thing for that github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
7 years ago today, the @WordPressDC meetup kicked off. Tomorrow it celebrates the first @wordcampdc. daily.jorb.in/2017/07/birth-of-a…
@wordcampdc brought the fun for their first #WCDC sticker. @wp_wapuu is rolling deep! Great peels on this sheet.
Of course… twitter.com/KidRock/status/88524…
We’re allllllmost sold out, but just added 10 more last-minute tickets. Get yours before they’re all gone! 2017.dc.wordcamp.org/tickets/
Super excited for @wordcampdc this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Get your tickets: 2017.dc.wordcamp.org/tickets/
Type & graphic inspiration from heaps of 8/16 BIT video games.
A crabby bunch.
#VeraAddison #WaverlyGraceFahey instagram.com/p/BWNy7YEFR9F/
Trucking Seagull.
#roadtrip instagram.com/p/BWMMzqKFz5r/
Fun with signs.
#WaverlyGraceFahey #ZadieAlyssa #NotVera instagram.com/p/BWML_5mlwmy/
We would always point out this helicopter whenever we drove past it and Zadie became instagram.com/p/BWMKcG_lpsp/
Playing with our buckets down at the beach. #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/BWH3iMPl0jT/
All of my Issues With the “Goodnight Moon” Bedroom buff.ly/2uf3cfr
Cue flashback to the days of Flash interfaces… twitter.com/jeffpersonified/stat…
Hammock baby. #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BV1BUsalMvv/
Zadie and Vera are going in to business together and opening a store. It’s the former instagram.com/p/BV03AiBlbyE/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.