This little leprechaun is 3 weeks old today! #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BRvtw7rl51v/

Later alligator, after a while crocodile! #ZadieAlyssa #wearingGreen instagram.com/p/BRvkE1jF0sk/

@chriscoyier You’ve inspired me… twitter.com/kingkool68/status/84…

Readers, customers, audience, patrons, visitors, guests… twitter.com/round/status/8420627…

<Marquee> is back! ezekielaquino.com/Marquee3000/

Peak millennial problem youtube.com/watch?v=w2wF8LOV5kw

Dreaming of victory. #VeraAddison #nofilter #armsup instagram.com/p/BRjcpnll1VT/

Swinging. And testing out our snow gear for the upcoming noreaster. #ZadieAlyssa #purpleCoat instagram.com/p/BRjbQmoFxXi/

2 weeks old today. And officially more than her birth weight! #VeraAddison #duckie instagram.com/p/BRdy7qWFSph/

*Cue Denver the Lost Dinosaur theme song*
youtube.com/watch?v=sLlibrF5DRM twitter.com/dnvrite/status/83949…

not gonna write another post about AMP, not gonna write another post about AMP, not gonna….crap

@ammy914 People do go on sabbaticals, usually an academic thing I think but you can always try.

And, remember, if you have the audacity to switch off AMP then Google will stop people accessing your site.
shkspr.mobi/blog/2016/11/removin… twitter.com/cramforce/status/839…

@design_tlc check out Gas Mask github.com/2ndalpha/gasmask/blob…

hold on hold on i got this, i got this… ass wednesday twitter.com/CommissarTaco/status…

@kevinmarks Examples: tweets.kingkool68.com/tweet-sour…

@kevinmarks I wrote my own script to do it for mine Instagram posts automagically github.com/kingkool68/ig2twitter

Tandem bike ride around the neighborhood and past a construction site. Fun times minus instagram.com/p/BRQ-ZiBlE-L/