I wish I had known about this when I started digging in to Amazon Web Services
I wish I had known about this when I started digging in to Amazon Web Services
@una @jgarber I’ve had an idea for a server side version of PrismJS.com. Same output so you can use existing themes.
Meanwhile in China… twitter.com/PDChina/status/78557…
Blisk is a Chromium-based browser aimed at web developers. It lets you see the desktop and mobile view on one screen blisk.io/
The presidential #debate blew my mind in a bad way but this skateboard video edit blew my mind in a good way vine.co/v/5gAphDzxlYt
My condolences to the residents of DC. twitter.com/jgarber/status/78531…
I’m a fan of Snopes for fact checking snopes.com/hillary-clinton-freed…
That’s annoying. OAuth access revoked for @_fllwrs !!! twitter.com/kingkool68/status/78…
5 people followed me and 3 people unfollowed me // automatically checked by fllwrs.com
Today in Fall toddler fashion. #ZadieAlyssa #jeanjacket #floralpeplumtop #jeggings #peplum instagram.com/p/BLRbVWXhbEw/
Cloudy day playing on Grandpa’s green house structure. #ZadieAlyssa #emoalbumcover instagram.com/p/BLRZXkhBFgi/
“Your app is too good. You must leave our walled garden.” – Apple twitter.com/b3ll/status/78408107…
I am so angry at this slide at the moment 😮 twitter.com/LocalSourceNL/status…
I’m pretty stoked that I got selected to speak at WordCamp Baltimore this year. You should come! twitter.com/wordcampbalt/status/…
We are looking for PHP contributors for EasyEngine v4! More details- ow.ly/uoBA304UtNE
@eastendbrewing iPhone? You can try deleting your cookies osxdaily.com/2012/06/10/delete-s…
@davatron5000 AMPPS for LAMP stack server, SmartGit for um… Git, FileOptimizer nikkhokkho.sourceforge.net/stati…
@joeyhoer Updated! dummyimage.com/#download The source is on Github. Have at it! Do something neat with it.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.