Zadie is learning the alphabet now and #djpasion’s name in lights was good practice. I also instagram.com/p/BKi4p0zBAk2/
Zadie is learning the alphabet now and #djpasion’s name in lights was good practice. I also instagram.com/p/BKi4p0zBAk2/
A girl and her balloons #kayleemarieward @wardcel #bw #blackandwhite #balloons instagram.com/p/BKi3zm6BoL1/
Yesterday we went to a toddler birthday party. Happy 1st birthday #djpasion instagram.com/p/BKi3bQOBMeI/
@davatron5000 We’ve been using ZenHub for a while and it’s really nice and pretty similar. zenhub.com/
“Make your fans out to be douchebags, that’s some good marketing.”
Way to go @YahooSports …
@ckrewson We’ve got work to do… webpagetest.org/video/compare.ph…
Today’s your last day for WordCamp Baltimore speaker submissions! Send your #highered & tech talks: 2016.baltimore.wordcamp.org/2016… @wordcampbalt
10/10 cat timing
Ems are the way to go… twitter.com/real_css_tricks/stat…
@trepmal Great minds think alike github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
The very first Android phone didn’t have a 3.5mm headphone jack. It shipped with an adapter circa 2009
Courage. twitter.com/Martin_Wolf/status/7…
@stammy Man you’re not even serving turbo.paulstamatiou.com You’ll notice a big difference with all of those images.
@Jennison Roku is looking for blind and visually impaired users to beta test some features rokutestingportal.centercode.com…
Facebook’s first designer, @aaron_, opens up his archive and shows some early News Feed designs from 10 yrs ago facebook.com/aaron/media_set?set…
If your type’s sized in px or viewport units (vw, vh, vmin), it ignores users’ font-size prefs. Use relative units! twitter.com/nicewebtype/status/7…
@naudebynature @astickofgum @kathkat15 russellandkristina.com/blog/2009…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.