We launched fully integrated support for @letsencrypt today. Here’s how you set it up: bit.ly/1OGxc6n #WikiWednesday
February @WordPressDC meetup scheduled. @DavidAKennedy talking theme UX and @SolomonSScott talking JavaScript. RSVP: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
Tonight, @WordPressDC has titans @zgordon and @condalator speaking! Join us at @agencyCHIEF meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
@matthewkeyslive Maybe this is of interest? pewresearch.org/about/careers/re…
Neat JavaScript tip to simplify nested conditionals by using an object. Everything is an object. github.com/loverajoel/jstips?utm…
This is waaaay better than most crap on TV… twitter.com/_pandy/status/689209…
@stammy QuickTime VR Authoring Studio amzn.to/1PmB9wo
Ooof I never understood the appeal of Amazon Glacier… twitter.com/newsycombinator/stat…
Twitter explained in one video youtube.com/watch?v=779fMc8ubOo
Daddy and daughter tongue-out selfie at the park while Mommy is away. #zadiealyssa @ Brookside… instagram.com/p/BAneb7Oje8C/
“As long as Trump gets TV ratings and clicks, journalistic balance gives way to the balance sheet” – blogs.rollcall.com/news/walter-s…
roca-style.org – A collection of simple recommendations for decent Web application frontends
Today is the 10th anniversary of the release of jQuery! ejohn.org/blog/10th-anniversary-… ?????
A candid shot from Zadie’s first birthday party. Props to Chris Fahey for the photo.… instagram.com/p/BAivOOmDe0D/
Zadie can’t talk yet but she can scroll through her own website instagram.com/p/BAitr1LRzUL/
I wrote a WordPress plugin to redirect searches to Google.com using the “site:” operator github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
Why I Hate Your Single Page App medium.com/@stilkov/why-i-hate-y…