And one more… dcurt.is/twitter
And one more… dcurt.is/twitter
It’s that time of year when we dust off the old blog and poop out a Twitter rant
Daddy/daughter Rub Me On Your Butt t-shirts from Threadless. Mommy isn’t the only one with matching… instagram.com/p/7TWW58Dexr/
The Redskins should sign Tim Tebow… twitter.com/BreakingNews/status/…
Zadie’s favorite new Saturday morning game? Try and grab Mommy’s hanging necklaces.
I think we’ve… instagram.com/p/7P-5J9De6S/
My first WordPress plugin to be added to the repo. wordpress.org/plugins/better-plu…
It only took me 8 years to get around to it…
@s_plum A card game is a great way to learn object-oriented JavaScript. Case in point… letuswar.com/
Do you say ‘BRUH’ ironically?
Do you do it on Twitter.com?
With just 5 easy payments of STFU you can delete your account today!
How Google Got Their New Logo Down to Just 305 Bytes top5techs.com/2015/09/how-google…
@jensimmons This is a pretty good special about Sugar consumption and your body youtube.com/watch?v=_vfK5U9qKaI
@kylecotter I tend to go for slidesjs.com or bxslider.com/
AWESOME TOOL OF THE DAY : Dynamic Dummy Image Generator : bit.ly/1LXvaC8 via @kingkool68
@yurivictor Will you help me with this project. It can be ours for $9,000 twitter.com/kingkool68/status/63…
@danphilibin This is what it looks like in action kingkool68.com/pew-research-cent…
@danphilibin I made something that is like widgets on a per-post basis github.com/kingkool68/WP-Gizmos
Nice to see a pretty good story in @HuffingtonPost shooting down #WordPress myths huffingtonpost.com/kristen-thoma… kudos @KTselli
@cdharrison @carlsmith It’s not too late.. uslegalforms.com/adoption/
.@VerizonNews’s new checkmark logo CHECKS all the boxes. Send me more using #NewVerizonLogo cnet.co/1KslzDr
Does this new WordPress Shortcode roadmap scare anyone else but me? *shivers* make.wordpress.org/core/2015/09/… I plan on adding some comments
Photo bombing #selfieswithyuri yurivictor.com/selfieswithyuri/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.