A spooky Halloween treasure hunt in the books! The girls enjoyed the trail but were more excited about the ring pops from the treasure chest and the multiple playgrounds along the way.
He didn’t want to wear his hat so I did.
@Stammy cointracker.io/ does this. I just like it to see how much my total assets are in one place.
@mihai_iova @YmirApp from @twigpress is open ymirapp.com/reports
@tkbalt @freshyill Maybe something related to this…
@yongfook Same feeling when I added instant.page/ to @CoderPad’s marketing site
If you REALLY love Favicons then I suggest reading this mega analysis post by candlelight in a private room with soft jazz in the background.
“We Analyzed 425,909 Favicons”
@TheGreenGreek @estellevw I use a Chrome extension to quickly switch JavaScript on and off
There is also 12ft.io/ for getting around payalls.
@dbchhbr I remember the glory days of @AtomEditor and seeing CSON…
@lynnandtonic No one mentioned Silver Surfer?
Introducing the @CoderPad widget for FigJam.
You can now use pads to collaborate while coding, and execute that code within a FigJam canvas.
@babysoftluke Are you going to support recurring event rules?
@mpiccorossi @JessSchillinger @krystyna_joanna Her pinned Tweet is in line with her father’s humor
This is a good breakdown of the pros and cons of headless WordPress. twitter.com/aaronjorbin/status/1…
Anyways this thread was inspired by @chriscoyier’s post on @emailisgood about email being a write API and I just wanted to document my experiences with how this all used to work.
Then I ran a WordPress plugin on my site called Postie that continuously would log in to the email inbox, parse new messages, download images, and then post them to my blog.
I even wrote up instructions on how I set it up russellheimlich.com/blog/how-to-…
This is probably the longest mobile post I ever poked into a tiny keyboard but my setup worked great russellheimlich.com/blog/google-…
So when I wanted to post stuff from my phone I would need to send a MMS to a number that would forward it to an email address.
Howard Forums were the place to be for nerdy cell phone stuff at the time web.archive.org/web/200710130055…