@charliepark Nice! I’m digging the Black and Blue album. Have you heard Frank Sinatra by Notorious B.I.G.? undergroundhiphop.com/notorious-…
@charliepark Nice! I’m digging the Black and Blue album. Have you heard Frank Sinatra by Notorious B.I.G.? undergroundhiphop.com/notorious-…
Just received this week’s issue from wpMail.me – A concise, once-weekly free roundup of WordPress news and articles wpmail.me
@trepmal I’m a fan of wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cra… which can pull in code from external sources, like a Gist.
In my quest to coin a tech industry word, I give you “spluttons”: split buttons. developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples…
@clarissa @chuckborowicz Hell even the first web page ever created was responsive w3.org/History/19921103-hypertex…
Viewport Resizer from @MalteWassermann is awesome: lab.maltewassermann.com/viewport…
Happy Cyber Monday! albinoblacksheep.com/text/bloodn…
I’ve been using Pinterest to make my Christmas wishlist. It’s been working ok pinterest.com/kingkool68/shirts-… &Threadless is having a sale, just sayin’
@williamsba My response to that cdn.ology.com/bundles/ologysocia…
Finally a news site that is to the point. tl;dr toolong-didntread.com/
Archive Team’s stored 319,301,465,472 KB of user data at Internet Archive (319tb). Thank you archive.org. You’re welcome, Internet.
@chipcullen Have you seen their logo? i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/new…
And Engadget flips the switch on a bland redesgin… engadget.com/
the main UI restricts users to a single window, so the product ought to be renamed “Microsoft Window.” – useit.com/alertbox/windows-8.htm…
Happy hour with people and stuff. (@ El Nopalito Grill) 4sq.com/WcdqUJ
Grade the 2012 #Election in the latest @pewresearch interactive: #ElectionReportCard people-press.org/quiz/election-r…
@cdharrison I swear by these russellheimlich.com/blog/review-… ~$70 on Amazon right now.
@trepmal We’ve had issues with multisite cron. Ended up using a real cron and this blog.dreamdevil.com/index.php/20… Still not much better.
The dates have been announced for @convergese 2013 in Columbia, SC – April 25th-27th convergese.com /ht @willimac
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.