@coderbrown Now you know -> aneventapart.com/2013/dc/
@coderbrown Now you know -> aneventapart.com/2013/dc/
★ An Event Apart announces its 2013 schedule. 8 cities, 8 shows. Tickets available now! aneventapart.com/
Photos and drawings from @aneventapart DC: three days of design, code and content for people who make websites. #aeadc cog.gd/46h
@chipcullen If you think that is nuts read up on CSS3 Layout property (impossible to Google) w3.org/TR/css3-layout/
We’re starting a community device lab here in DC: devicelabdc.com/ Can you help us get started by donating some devices? #aeadc
@starsoup7 And Converge SE convergese.com/
@starsoup7 A talk you might enjoy typotalks.com/blog/2012/05/02/mi…
@dan_munz View source, there is a link to an API that powers this. features.journalism.org/campaign… does that help?
@grum_dot_com @jgarber Here is a video of it in action is.gd/uMcZgS
Well played, search.usa.gov. utf8=✓ t.co/xoEV1zT0
Woah nice job @nclud, just saw this for tonight’s HH! nclud.com/event/aparty2012/ #aeadc
@ShovanSargunam Thanks the source code is available at dummyimage.com
@joelletb Now you can typotalks.com/blog/2012/05/02/mi…
The digital divide is real: differences in access exist across demographic groups and income levels. pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Dig… #aea
I’m at An Event Apart DC (Alexandria, VA) w/ 6 others [pic]: 4sq.com/RjtmoB
I’m not ashamed of my fetish for mainframes and you shouldn’t be either. Brochures from @computerhistory: computerhistory.org/brochures/in… #aea
reminder sponsorships for 4th Annual Accessibility Camp DC (Oct. 13) opened today. Registration opens August 14. bit.ly/NcXqhB #aea
Hey #aea – if you need more #rwd, I’m teaching a hands-on responsive web design workshop for @dcww on 8/14 in DC. responsivewebdesign.eventbrite.c…
Don’t Fear the Internet a guide to HTML and CSS for non designers dontfeartheinternet.com/ #aea
@JoannaBrenner Pimping Pew Internet stats twitter.com/RussellHeimlich/stat…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.