@ayomattayo Been there, done that.cc/ @naudebynature

I just Dugg this as my last and final Digg. ping.fm/MiV5K

A 12pt Font Should Be The Same Size Everywhere: Time to Get Serious About Resolution Independence ping.fm/8n03o

Nailed it! ping.fm/sMvQc

@teddyrised wordpress.org/extend/plugins/red… might help. You’ll probably need to craft a regex.

@teddyrised Sure. Just like this ndesign-studio.com/blog/301-htac…

I reported a bug with WordPress! ping.fm/klWMo Yay bug reports.

@snowpunk @smellyice found your new setup hacknmod.com/wp-content/uploads/…

New blog post, It’s time to stop blaming Internet Explorer: nczonline.net/blog/2012/07/11/it…

Ah memories! ping.fm/yII1R

Two tools for similar jobs:
Fixie.js: content placeholders: fixiejs.com/
Placehold.it: image placeholders: placehold.it/

I hope someone makes a 10 minute looping video of Romney getting booed. ping.fm/JPve9

@nekolaweb Dude get the heck out of Illinois! offthebench.nbcsports.com/2012/0…

@ChrisVanPatten dummyimage.com/stats for details

Anyone want to help host dummyimage.com because I’m not doing a very good job.

Turning money into rubber. (@ Mr Tire) [pic]: 4sq.com/MT6wEx

A friendly reminder that #dcjq was rescheduled for next Thursday (7/19). RSVP here: meetup.com/DC-jQuery-Users-Group… We could also use a sponsor!