@JohnPBloch These are good gimmebar.com/collection/4f7063c4…
Workers, Take Off Your Headphones s.hbr.org/JwTLKX
@JohnPBloch This is what Unicorn’s fart threadless.com/product/771/Marsh…
This Dinner Thing Isn’t So Hard pi.pe/-f8ckfg
This is wonderful.
I blame @elgreg RT @techcrunch The Digg Team Is Going To WaPo, But The Assets Aren’t tcrn.ch/IBzIPn
@boagworld Can let me know if is.gd/Yr6BHk is spiffy on your craptastic hotel wifi?
I’m at Gardners Bar B Que w/ @jfc3 [pic]: 4sq.com/ImcDxN
I just unlocked the “Porky” badge on @foursquare! Brisket all around! 4sq.com/ILHfsq
A whole bunch of crap. (@ JR Discount Factory Outlet) 4sq.com/Ji7YLx
I’m at SakiTumi Grill And Sushi Bar w/ @jfc3 [pic]: 4sq.com/IcQeAy
I just unlocked the “Bento” badge on @foursquare! Irasshaimase! 4sq.com/IsUBuG
@convergese Try out codecademy.com/ to learn JavaScript
@jenseninman Your nephew needs the HTML for babies book is.gd/Hl3vL6 cc/ @convergese
ConvergeSE day 1 after party. (@ Art Bar w/ @jfc3) [pic]: 4sq.com/IpeX8d
Hunting and gathering. (@ Hunter-Gatherer Brewery & Ale House w/ @jfc3) [pic]: 4sq.com/JrPj1F
@convergese List of dummy image websites for rapid prototyping in the browser. is.gd/SUR0hC
TimThumb PHP script for dynamically resizing images on the fly via the server @convergese code.google.com/p/timthumb/
copypastecharacter.com/ is great for font-based icons @convergese
@henrylearn2rock Placehold.it and dummyimage.com are run from the same PHP code which is completely open source dummyimage.com