I’m at M Vista w/ @jfc3 [pic]: 4sq.com/IARu2P
Checked in. (@ Marriott Hotel Columbia w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/IjoNcS
Drove 100,000 miles to get to @ConvergeSE… pi.pe/-cnsbtl
Decided Not To Stop At South Of The Border This Year pi.pe/-1nxfek
How I attacked myself using Google Spreadsheets and I ramped up a $1000 bandwidth bill behind-the-enemy-lines.com/2012/…
A hidden gem. (@ Tastee Hut) [pic]: 4sq.com/IGQU1U
Though for sure my dead MacBook Pro was caused by this ping.fm/YMMQw which should have been replaced for free. They cited “loose cabl
My laptop is fixed. Picking it up. (@ Apple Store w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/IqywuN
@freshyill Tivoli near JFK High School in Glenmont. BOOM! is.gd/2qfjwz
@trepmal FitBit is super hassle free. I would charge it everyday when I took a shower. My review is.gd/nYjUxD
I’m at Das Ethiopian Cuisine (Washington, DC) 4sq.com/JHgzKq
This is what Google.com Looks Like On Your Birthday pi.pe/-4dhcvj
Why why why do people recommend this? #headdesk RT @catswhocode: How to disable plugin updates on your WordPress blog bit.ly/I6Wzkx
@willadair @heathhouston @jasongraphix See the ‘// Capture right click’ section of here is.gd/rooWen
@jasongraphix Another example of right clicking a logo is.gd/BGCPCt
Current Status pi.pe/-vq34sr
Yet another dummy image service, this time the theme is zombies. ping.fm/FRaY8
@zeldman There’s also Speed Limit, which is free is.gd/xuhDzU
Mexican immigration to US at standstill after 4-decade surge, according to Pew Hispanic Center report – @Reuters on.msnbc.com/IzEtF8
Testing Pixelpipe From My New Phone pi.pe/-9nieap